Winter Sale

Code: FROSTY25

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand by the quality of our products. That’s why we offer a money-back guarantee for all orders. If your personalized item arrives damaged, broken or faulty, please contact our customer support team on +1-833-315-8994 or email us at [email protected] within 7 days of delivery of your order. Alternatively, you can use our live chat service. We will work with you to resolve the issue by offering a replacement, refund or an alternative suitable resolution.

Please note that personalized products are specifically made to your specifications. We take great care to accurately fulfil your order. Before finalising your purchase, we provide you with previews of your creation in our design tool. Please ensure you carefully review and confirm all personalised content, including the design, artwork, names, dates, spellings, and any other details.

Our satisfaction guarantee does not cover user-generated errors, such as errors with spelling, dates or the artwork uploaded and approved by you during the order process. If you have questions, please contact us and we will go above and beyond to find a solution. Keep in mind that colours may differ slightly from how they appear on your screen due to varying monitor settings.

Cancellations & Modifications

Please note changes or cancellations cannot be made once the order has entered the production phase. If you need to modify your artwork, please reach out to our friendly customer service team within 1 working day of placing your order to assess the feasibility for your specific order.

What information do we need?

  1. The order number(s).
  2. The email address registered to your account.
  3. A description of the problem and supporting photos if applicable.


Printerpix reserves the right to amend or cancel this policy at any time without notice. We may also refuse a refund if we suspect our satisfaction guarantee is being abused.